• Health & Wellbeing

    Health Care, Medical, Specialists, Addiction Services, Education, Aged Care, Compare Health Insurance. Yoga, Pilates, Crossfit, Weights, Run, Swim, Bike, Walk, Meditate, Martial Arts, Surfing,

    Coming Soon

  • Medical Cannabis

    18+ Site

    Pharmacy & Chemist prescriptions, Vape Prescriptions, Medical Practicioners, Scripts CBD/ THC Oils & Products,

    Cannabis Dispensary

    Coming Soon

  • Smoke, Grind, Trim, Roll, Medicate, Canna AirTags

    For your Session

  • Hospitality, Food & Drink

    Cannabis Cafe

    Regular Cafe & Restaurant

    Takeaway food & drink

    Licensed Venues

  • Music Artists

    Direct access to Artist Music - They get the $$

    Focus on supporting emerging & struggling music artists

    Crowd Funding for Gigs

    Media Design Services

    Record Studio

  • Pet Safe CBD Products, Hemp Supplement, All Things Pet

    Cat, Dog, Reptile, Poultry, Hampster,

  • Home & Commercial Grow, Garden, Gear, Lighting, Beneficial Bugs, Herbicide, Nutrient, LED Lights, CO2, Meters, Clay Balls

    Hydroponic, Aquaponics, Nutrients, Composting, Compost tea, Landscape Suppliers, Garden Centres, Nursery, Florists

    Living Soil, Beneficial Insects, Pest ID, Coming Soon

  • Canna Gummies & Edibles

    THC, CBD, Brownies, Cookies, Baked Goods, Recipes

    18 + Siite

  • Bake, Cook, Drinks, Supplements, Recipes, Cookbooks

  • Body Care, Make Up, Soap, Hair & Beard

    The big players alongside small business

  • Indigenous Industry & Services

    CANNAi funded; Mob run Youth Reset & ReEducate programs, Mob run Youth Gaming Centres & Digital Education Facilities.

    CANNAi funded; Industry Start Ups, Free Hosting 24/7 Tech support from SquareSpace, Communication services reConnecting remote Community, Training, Employment, (BlueCard) Working Towards Working with Children, Legal support for past convictions, Mob run Ancestry DNA/ Name network linking you with Lost Family, Mental Health services, Alcohol support & tailored solutions, Homeless & Unemployment support, Food Donations for you to celebrate whatever. i will work with Mob directly. Better Infrastructure for Remote Community so YOU can sell your Natural Craft to EVERYONE. Recognition & Respect. L

    Indigenous Industry & Services
  • Fashion, Footwear, Ai wear

    Mens, Women’s, Kids, Big, Tall .

    Design, Create, AR Virtual Wardrobe

    Retailers & Small Business Side by Side

  • Gaming

    PC, Laptop, Chairs, Game & Ai Design. All things G

  • Innovation, New Industry & Business Start Ups

    Coming Soon

  • Energy & Telco Providers

    Compare Providers; Electricity, Solar, Wind, Hydro, H2, Water, Utilities, renewables

    Fuel Providers, Battery banks,

    Coming Soon

  • Law, IP, Compliance, Finance, Insurance, Tax, Accounting, Import, Export

    Coming Soon

  • Information Technology, Data, AntiVirus, Automated Systems,

    Coming Soon

  • Surveillance, Security, Drone Fence, Vaults, Alarms, Security Guards

    Drones & Drone Prevention Tech

    Coming Soon

  • Transport, Logistics, Freight, Post, Shipping Supplies, Material Handling,

    Coming Soon

  • Mining, Agriculture, Resources, Renewables, Supply & Maintenance Services

    Coming soon

  • Vehicle

    EV, Hynbrid, Petrol, Diesel. Sales, Servicing, EV Charge Providers, Fast Chargers,

  • Sport

    Football, Soccer, AFL, ARL, NFL, Fantasy League, Hockey, Cricket, Tennis, Swimming, Cycling, E-Bikes,

  • Motorcycle, ATV, Utility, Networking

    Sales, Repair, Services, Charity Runs

  • Festivals, Entertainment, Gigs, Concerts, Events, Activism & Movements

    Mobile Pill Testing, Ride Share Providers, Taxis, Bus, Train, Fly, Hitch a Ride

  • Adult Stores

    Directory of Adult Entertainment Stores based on location.

  • Fitness & Gym

  • Home & Office Supplies

    Major Retailers side by side with Local Business

  • Hemp Food, Drink, Supplement

    Under 18 Site

  • Disability & NDIS

    NDIS National Disability Insurance Scheme Providers; Disability Support Services & Funding

  • Human Work, Education & Training

    Recruiting services, job training, subsidised programs, networking & resume tools. Homeless job help, NDIS providers

    Education Tafe, Uni, Flexible Learning, courses

  • Indigenous

    Aboriginal & Torres Straight Islander Industry & Training

  • Multi Cultural & Immigration

    Migrant assistance, Visa, work, Translation

    NZ & Pacific Islander Peoples

    Food Safe - Halal and Kosher

  • Travel & Accomodation

    Flights, Accommodation, Cruises, Rail, Canal, Local & International

    Coming soon

  • Funeral & Cremation

    Funeral & Cremation Providers

    Cannabis Cremations. thats G.

  • Building, Construction, Real Estate & Support Services

    All Sectors inc Electrical, HVAC, Climate Control, Fans, Exhausts, Plumbing , Automation, Concrete, Planning, Design, Real Estate

    Affordable Living

  • Dating, Hook Ups, Love, Fun

    Straight, curious, LGBTIQ

  • Major Retailers & Local Shops

    Side by Side on the same field

  • Its up to you what comes next

    Anything is a possibility, if we all work together as one.

    For the Greater Good

  • ZENAi desk

    Can’t find what you’re looking for? Let us know and we will try and get them on board. Coming soon)

    ZENAi desk